Washington, DC

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Emergency preparedness
Be Ready DC: Get Involved; Make a Plan, Make a Go Kit; and Be Aware

Create a plan for you and your family using this DC.gov application.

 Public safety
Bus Stop Change Service Request - red and grey double-length bus pulling up to a bus stop

The bus stop is a critical element in a transit system’s provision of safe, timely, and convenient transportation.

Police Service Area Finder
Police Service Area (PSA) Finder logo

Cada residente vive en un Área de Servicio Policial (PSA),

This icon is a image of a handshake.
Asian businesswoman interacting at a desk with a female OAPIA representative

Outreach and case assistance for AAPI community groups, residents, and merchants.

Police Service Area Finder
Police Service Area (PSA) Finder logo

Cư dân nào cũng sống trong một Khu vực Dịch vụ Cảnh sát (PSA) và mỗi PSA đều có một đội ngũ cảnh sát viên và quan chức được chỉ định. Mỗi quận cảnh sát có từ 7 đến 9 PSA. Có tổng cộng 56 PSA ở Đặc khu Columbia.

Emergency Preparedness Icon
EMTs practicing CPR

Offers CPR training to members of the community under the American Heart Association guidelines.

Public works service icon
photo of a granite curb and brick-lined gutter on District street

You can request curb and gutter repairs by calling the Mayor's Citywide Call Center at 311 or completing a service request online using the District government's

Public safety
Red phone and fire extinguisher

Inspection of residential dwellings are available by appointment.

Public safety
Red phone and fire extinguisher

የመኖሪያ ቤቶች ፍተሻ በቀጠሮ ማግኘት ይችላሉ።

Public safety
Red phone and fire extinguisher

ቀይ ስልክ እና እሳት ማጥፊያ

Public safety
Téléphone rouge et extincteur

Des inspections des logements résidentiels sont disponibles sur rendez-vous.

Public safety
Red phone and fire extinguisher

Des inspections des logements résidentiels sont disponibles sur rendez-vous. Ces inspections sont menées gratuitement par la Division des pompiers du Département des Services d’incendie et médicaux d’urgence du District de Columbia.

Public safety

可预约住宅检查。这些检查由哥伦比亚特区消防及紧急医疗服务部 (F&EMS) 消防分部执行。提供检查报告和建议。也可申请后续预约。我们提供此项服务的目标是确保住宅杜绝火灾危险和安全违规。请致电 (202) 727-1614。
联系 TTY: 

Public safety
Red phone and fire extinguisher

Se ofrecen inspecciones de viviendas con reserva previa de horario. Estas inspecciones se realizan como cortesía de la División de Bomberos del Departamento de Bomberos y Servicios de Emergencia Médica del Distrito de Columbia.

Children and Youth Icon
Match on fire

The Juvenile Firesetter's Intervention Program is a four week intervention program which services children between the ages 2-17 who have exhibited fire related behavior.

Police Service Area Finder
Police Service Area (PSA) Finder logo

Every resident lives in a Police Service Area (PSA), and every PSA has a team of police officers and officials assigned to it. Each police district has between seven and nine PSAs. There are a total of 56 PSAs in the District of Columbia.

Public Works service icon
Pothole Repair on street

The District's standard is to repair potholes within three days of reporting.

Police Service Area Finder
Police Service Area (PSA) Finder logo

Chaque habitant vit dans une zone de services de police (PSA), à laquelle est affectée une équipe de policiers et de responsables. Chaque district de police est constitué de 7 à 9 PSA. Au total, le district de Columbia comprend 56 PSA.

Emergency Preparednes icon
Various emergency management team supplies and materials

Request emergency team materials, including Go-Kits, information sheets, first aid kits and more.
