Washington, DC
Requester wants information from organizations not under the authority of DCPS or any District agency and therefore are not subject to DC FOIA.
Original decision to withhold documents upheld because certain forms were not generated or maintained in the agency and because disclosure of certain documents fall under exemption 3.
Because of DOH’s failure to respond the Mayor’s office required DOH to submit a detailed list of effort to provide requested documents.
Requester wants a response to his request and a Vaughn Index of any items withheld. MPD ordered to produce information in 10 days.
Requester want more information relevant to the human and material resources used as it relates to Vice President of the United States (VPOTUS).
DOC was ordered to redact the identities of individuals named in the report and release it within 5 days.
OCFO given 10 days to provide Mayor’s office with a Vaughn Index and confirm whether portions of the documents could be redacted and released.
Denial affirmed because juvenile records remain confidential even if not maintained by Family Division of the Superior Court of DC.
Requester appealed assessment of fees. Appeal determined that WASA could charge the appropriate amount of fees under that law which in this case is only the fees associated with copying and not searching or reviewing.
Information redacted from response but did not list exemption. After appeal memorandum provided listing a description of the materials redacted because of personal privacy.