Washington, DC
Request for body worn camera footage, a PD-251 and a PD-61. MPD’s decision was affirmed on the basis that release of the records could interfere with an enforcement proceeding.
Request for contract with Human Rescue Alliance. The appeal was dismissed as moot, because the appeal was based on a lack of response from OCP and OCP provided requester with a response.
Request for records relating to MPD training policies. The appeal was dismissed as moot, because the appeal was based on a lack of response from MPD and MPD provided requester with a response.
Request for records related to an investigation of an officer involved in a shooting that occurred on September 11, 2016. MPD’s decision was affirmed on the basis of personal privacy interests.
Request for two emails related to Hearst Park. DGS’s response was affirmed, because the redacted portions were draft language that would have revealed the deliberative process.
Request for records related to a former employee. The appeal was dismissed as moot, because DCRA responded to the request after the appeal was submitted.
Request for records related to a cat program. DOH’s response was affirmed on the basis that is conducted an adequate search and disclosed all responsive records.
Request for records related to the Hearst Park & Pool Project. DGS’s response was remanded to narrow the scope of its search in consultation with the requester to reduce the fee estimate for the request.
Request for emails. DOEE’s constructive denial was remanded, and DOEE was ordered to respond to the request.
Request for records related to a contract award. DGS’s denial was affirm on the basis that disclosure would place the government at a competitive disadvantage in an ongoing contracting process.