Washington, DC
Request for quarterly report of “Known Managed Feral Cat Colony List.” DOH’s response was affirmed, because DOH was not obligated to create records, and the contractor had not been providing the reports.
Request for a transcript of a hearing and questions related to a hearing. DMV’s decision was affirmed, because DMV was not obligated to create new records or answer interrogatories. Decided with 2018-012.
Request for records relating to solicitation of community dining and home-delivered meals. OCP’s decision was affirmed on the basis that disclosure of redacted information could cause substantial competitive harm to the bidder and because disclosure would violate the deliberative process...
Request for records related to Animal Services Program. Appeal withdrawn after DOH partially responded to request.
Request for all applications and permits of an address. Appeal of redaction to contractor’s personal email address. DCRA’s decision was affirmed on the basis of personal privacy interests.
Request for records relating to litigation, along with communications to the Mayor’s Office of Legal Counsel. Appeal decided by Office of the Secretary, dismissed as moot, because the appeal was based on a lack of response from OCFO and OCFO provided requester with a response.
Request for footage of street camera. Due to its retention policy, MPD no longer possessed responsive records at the time of the request. MPD’s decision was affirmed.
Request for records related to a previous complaint made to ORM. ORM’s decision was affirmed, because ORM was not obligated to answer interrogatories.
Request for correspondence with the Human Rescue Alliance. The appeal was dismissed as moot, because the appeal was based on a lack of response from DOH and DOH provided requester with a response.
Request asking to interpret law. DMV’s decision was affirmed, because DMV was not obligated to conduct research or answer interrogatories.