Washington, DC
Upcoming Closures for this Weekend
Media Contacts
Reggie Sanders, (202) 671-5124, [email protected]
Michelle Phipps-Evans, (202) 497-0124, [email protected]
(Washington, DC) Beginning this Thursday through the weekend, the District of Columbia will host several activites related to the homegoing celebration of Mayor Marion Barry. The District Department of Transportation (DDOT) urges those taking part in the various events to be aware of upcoming road closures.
Following are some events, which will make an impact on your commute.
Event: National Park Service will host The 2014 National Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony
Date: Thursday December 4 on the Ellipse at the White House
Time: 5 pm until 7 pm
Street Closures/Times: 15th Street, NW (from Constitution to Pennsylvania Avenue) 17th Street NW (from Constitution to New York Avenue) Constitution Avenue, NW, between 15th Street and 17th Street is expected to remain open, but could be closed due to overcrowding or if an emergency develops.
Street closings will begin around 3 pm until 7 pm
DDOT assisting with FOD and traffic control support. NPS and MPD will handle all closures
Event: District of Columbia Celebration of the Journey of Mayor for Life-Marion Barry Jr. "A Life Ends, The Legacy Begins"
Thursday December 4
Mayor Barry will lie in repose at the Wilson Building; doors open to public at 9 am
Friday December 5
9:30 am-12:30 pm- Citywide Processional escorted by MPD
1 pm- 6 pm Public Viewing
Temple of Praise-700 Southern Avenue, SE
7 pm-9 pm-General Service for Community
Temple of Praise- 700 Southern Avenue, SE
Saturday December 6
7 am-10 am Public Viewing Washington Convention Ctr. Halls D and E
11 am-3 pm- Celebration Service (same location)
DDOT assisting with several resources
Event: Jingle All the Way 8k
Date: Sunday December 7
Time: 9 am to 12 pm
Location: Festival: Freedom Plaza; Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, between 13th Street and 14th Street
Run/Walk: Start and Finish on Pennsylvania Avenue NW, between 12th Street and 13th Street
Street Closures: Same as location/ 5 am until 1 pm
MPD will handle all closures
Visit goDCgo.com for more information on transportation options in the District