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Single-Lane Closures on the 16th Street Bridge over Military Road, NW, on February 7

Friday, February 6, 2015
Each lane will remain closed from 7 am to 7 pm


Media Contacts

Reggie Sanders, (202) 671-5124, [email protected]
Michelle Phipps-Evans, (202) 497-0124, [email protected]

(Washington, DC) As a part of the 16th Street Bridge over Military Road, NW, project in Ward 4, the District Department of Transportation (DDOT) will close one lane in each direction on the 16th Street Bridge on Saturday, February 7, from 7 am to 7 pm. The lanes will remain closed until they are reopened at 7 pm. DDOT’s personnel needs to close the lanes to perform bridge repair work.

For more information, please contact Project Manager Stanley Freeman at (202) 369-2541 or [email protected]. Additional information can be found on the website, http://www.16thandmilitary.com/

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