Washington, DC
Pretreating of the Roadways and Bridges
Monday, January 5, 2015
Spraying of brine and salt to occur after the morning rush hour
Media Contacts
Reggie Sanders, – (202) 437-0809, [email protected]
Michelle Phipps-Evans – (202) 497-0124, [email protected]
(Washington, DC) In advance of tomorrow’s snow event, the District Department of Transportation (DDOT) is pretreating the roadways, bridges and hilly areas with brine and salt today, after the morning rush hour.
DDOT encourages all motorists to stay alert as they travel around the District, and to stay at least 50 feet behind the brine and salt trucks.
Visit goDCgo.com for more information on transportation options in the District.
Visit http://snow.dc.gov for more information on snow events.