Washington, DC
Mobile Maintenance Operations to Occur on I-395 Between New York Avenue, NW, and Southeast/Southwest Freeway on Friday, January 9, from Midnight to 4 am
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(Washington, DC) The District Department of Transportation (DDOT) will perform single-lane mobile maintenance operations in both directions between New York Avenue (US Route 50) and the Southeast/Southwest Freeway (I-695) to remove the icicles that have formed, and are hanging from the roof of the tunnel bores.
The work will be done between midnight and 4 am. This emergency work is needed to protect the public from falling icicles and other debris. The maintenance will be done in one tunnel bore at a time, and is expected to last 90 minutes each, weather and temperature permitting.
For more information, contact the project manager Reginald Arno at (202) 345-7105.
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