Washington, DC
Mayor Bowser Kicks Off AlleyPalooza 9.0
(Washington, DC) – Today, Mayor Bowser closed out #BacktoBasicsDC Week by launching AlleyPalooza 9.0, her biannual campaign to repair or restore eight alleys in each of the eight wards over twelve weeks. Since the initiative launched in 2015, the District Department of Transportation (DDOT) has repaired 557 alleys across all eight wards.
“When our alleys are in good shape, our entire infrastructure network benefits,” said Mayor Bowser. “We are proud to have made so much progress in getting 70 percent of our alleys in a state of good or excellent repair, and as we kick off AlleyPalooza 9.0, we’re going to keep up our efforts to get to 100 percent.”
Mayor Bowser launched AlleyPalooza in 2015, delivering on her longstanding commitment to improving the District’s alley system. Later, the Mayor expanded on the initiative with PaveDC, a comprehensive plan to repair all District alleys in poor condition by 2021 and all roadways in poor condition by 2024.
“The DDOT team has worked diligently to keep us on track to meet the Mayor’s goal to have all of the District’s roadways, sidewalks, and alleys in a state of good or excellent repair by 2024,” said DDOT Director Jeff Marootian. “PaveDC, and specifically, the Alleypalooza campaign, are some of the many projects and initiatives that build the Mayor’s commitment to deliver world class infrastructure for District residents and visitors.
The District has more than 350 miles of alleys and receives an average of 1,000 service requests for alley repairs each year. To ensure the alleys most in need of repair are selected for AlleyPalooza, DDOT uses a data-driven assessment that examines alley condition, service request quantity, service request age, and community feedback..
Mayor Bowser has increased funding for alley maintenance and rehabilitation to unprecedented levels through increased budget allotments and improved financial and program management.