Washington, DC
DPW to Collect Residential Trash and Recycling Starting at 6 am, Tuesday, June 17 Through June 20, 2014 Due to Predicted 90 Degree Plus Temperatures
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
(Washington, DC) The DC Department of Public Works announced today that its trash and recycling crews will begin their collections an hour earlier, at 6 am, Tuesday, June 17 through Friday, June 20 due to predicted 90°+ temperatures. Residents may put their trash and recyclables out for pick-up starting at 6 pm the day before their collections. Trash and recycling containers should be removed from public space by 8 pm on the collection day.
Throughout the summer, when the temperature is predicted to be 90˚ or higher or the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments announces unhealthy air quality (Code Orange or Code Red days), DPW collection crews will begin their work at 6 am to avoid health or environmental issues.