Washington, DC
DDOT Accepts Applications for Transportation Alternatives Projects
The District Department of Transportation (DDOT) is now accepting applications for the Transportation Alternatives Program. Approximately $2.3 million in funding is available citywide for non-traditional projects that are linked to the District’s transportation system. Applications will be accepted through August 1, 2014, and the projects selected will be announced in September 2014.
Each Transportation Alternative project must (1) relate to surface transportation and (2) qualify under one of the seven eligible activities (such as, bicycle and pedestrian activities; community improvements; environmental mitigation and/or recreational trails). The projects must be consistent with the mission, policies and plans of District agencies (for example, Sustainable DC and the Office of Planning’s Comprehensive Plan). Additionally, changes in federal legislation require that nonprofit organizations partner with a local government entity, transit agency or a natural resource or public-land agency to apply.
Online applications; details about eligible activities and sponsors and further submittal information can be found online.
Funding for the projects is provided through the Federal Highway Administration by the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21).
For additional details, please contact Stephen Hurst at 202-671-4580.