Washington, DC
Request for photos/mug shots for individuals booked into DC Jail for stated period. Dismissed because DOC, not MPD, is the custodian of the record.
Appeal dismissed because WASA’s position is reasonable and without direct evidence to the contrary the Mayor’s office saw no reason to undercut their position on appeal.
MPD erroneously denied the request, upon further searching the agency was able to locate documents responsive to the request. Appeal is not moot and dismissed.
Request has moved to the Superior Court for litigation and is therefore held in abeyance until the litigation is resolved.
It is apparent the records sought pertain to a current lawsuit and that could potentially be the subject of a discovery request or dispute.
Requester sought a check issued over 30 years ago. OCFO responded that is not in possession of the check. The Mayor’s office determined that OCFO conducted an adequate search.
Exemptions not applicable and DOC order to provide all responsive materials within 10 days.
Requester is challenging the denial of his initial FOIA request for the criminal histories of certain individuals. This information constitutes a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy
DMH withheld addresses of mental health facilities citing exemption 2.