Washington, DC

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EOM 2011-51

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Request for records for 2006 through 2010, denying the requests for evoking or granting, real property tax exemptions for schools or educational institutions interpretative legal guidance to employees and all documents of OTR with respect to new requests for, or previously granted real property. Other than internal records discussing the granting of tax exemptions (for which OCFO was required to identify and provide a detailed index) and the redactions of any statement of taxpayer income and expenses on applications, the agency could not or did not claimed exemptions for pending litigation, there is no pending litigation exemption) attorney-client privileges, (general interpretative, not particularized, legal advice), deliberative process privilege, work product privilege (no records created in anticipation of litigation), and interference with enforcement proceedings or disclosure of investigative techniques.


D.C. Official Code § 2-534(a)(3)(A)(E)(interference with enforcement proceedings disclosure of investigatory techniques);

D.C. Official Code § 2-534(a)(4) (deliberative process privilege)(work product privilege); (attorney-client privilege);

Pending litigation exemption

