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Frederick Douglass 200th Birthday Week

Frederick Douglass Image with text: Frederick Douglas WeeK 2018

Tuesday, February 13 at 12 pm

Frederick Douglass Bridge Groundbreaking

1650 South Capitol Street, SE

RSVP Today: frederickdouglassbridge.eventbrite.com


Wednesday, February 14 from 4 pm to 6 pm

Viewing of the Restored Frederick Douglass Portrait

John A. Wilson Building, 1350 Pennsylvania Ave NW

RSVP Today: FrederickDouglassCelebration.eventbrite.com


Thursday, February 15 at 8 am

DC Faith Leaders Breakfast

Museum of the Bible
400 4th St SW, Washington, DC 20024

RSVP Today: dcfaithleadersbreakfast.eventbrite.com 


Saturday, February 17 at 8am

Frederick Douglass 5k & Ribbon Cutting for Oxon Trail Park

Oxon Run Park Amphitheatre 13th & Mississippi Avenue SE

RSVP Today: frederickdouglass5k.splashthat.com